Welcome to the ICT Agents Group Cruise Booking Page

The reason for this page, found on the ICT website, is to allow our agents to sell their groups and makes it less difficult to keep the Gap Points and Amenities, to the rest of the ICT Family.  And the ICT family  to book individual cabins into a group with the possibility of  a lower price and amenity you would not be able to get booking an individual cabin. 

Anyone can sell space through ICT by using this (template) and email it to Robert at robert@ictravel.com to post. 

Any agent can buy into an advertised group, but please follow the rules below.

The Benefit to you as the agent owner of the group
1.  The bookings made by our other agents into your group will bring you closer to your TC
2.  You may be able to more easily get closer to your group minimum

The Benefit to the agent boking into your group
1.  You may be able to take advantage of of lower prices no longer available
2.  You will share in the amenities assigned by the group owner which you will not be able to obtain on an individual booking
3.  You will receive your regular commission

1.  Before you book into the group, contact the agent who owns the group (The information should be on the spreadsheet identifying the group below) to verify that the group is still available to receive additional bookings.
2.  Once you receive the approval from the agent owner of the group, book your cabin and let the owner agent know the booking number and passenger names
3.  Agent Owner of the group.  The month group is to be paid out, please email Karen at karen@ictravel.com, to split out the agents who booked into your group, provide for her the group number, individual booking number, passenger names and the estimated amount of commission to be paid to the other agents.

This list shows the available cruises from earliest to Latest by departure date (Click on the link to see details)

5/21/23 Princess-Discovery Princess-Voyage X323 7-day Alaska Inside Passage, Roundtrip Seattle, WA